
Who"s davidlian?

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davidlian is an ultra-geeky chinese dude that works for a technology PR agency. He loves fiddling with techno-toys, plays Warhammer 40K, and shoots pictures wherever he goes. Here, he rants about PR, Technology and anything else. Don't expect balance and un-biased, he ain't no journalist. Anything said on this blog are solely davidlian's personal views. Don't confuse them with company mantra, client's views or views of any organisation he may be part of.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I got a tweet sometime yesterday saying:

PuppyL0ve @davidlian Hey David Lian hahahah, guess who this is?? GIVE UP? j/k I just saw your page and wanted to know if you would Follow me?
Okay, so I mused a bit and for the sake of curiousity, I clicked "follow" and checked out her profile a bit. There was a link to a manifesto on her site, and here's an excerpt:
Well; since many of my fellow twitters thought I was some kind of spam bot here is the YOUTUBE code I promised.

Now BEFORE I START - there is a difference between being efficient and being a spammer. I would like as many followers as possible, and in turn I will follow those people. I post interesting and helpful information about how to get exposure on the internet for FREE! No catch, no sale, no pitch - just providing helpful information.

So if you haven't yet "FOLLOW ME" and the tips & info will keep coming.
If you want to read the rest of it, click here.

It occurs to me that socialising today now more than ever is a numbers game. When I was a kid, the sole objective of school was to see how many friends you could get. Infantile gangs were formed to play 'catch' or 'police and thief' during recess.

Today, my friends have grown up to form gangs on Facebook so they can bite each other whilst at office or throw Jedi mind tricks around. And then you have the Fight Club where the more socialised you are, the better your chance of winning.

The numbers have crept up throughout the years. My meagre posse of eight in primary school days has now expanded to over three hundred people on Facebook and about a hundred or so on Twitter. Some of which I've never uttered a word to in person for over a year.

So have we turned the social into a mathematical race for increment? Quantity over quality?

Well, I've added Lisa Lange.


Balqiz said...

I'm embarassed to say most of my "friends" exist in the cyber world like Friendster and Facebooks... Haih... the only time we get to see each other is when one get married or when one died. Kesian

davidlian said...

Yeaps... true also. Interestingly, both occassions require you to dish out the cash (obligingly).

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Jules Viernes

KY said...

follow me too david!

davidlian said...

@ky: Sure!