
Who"s davidlian?

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davidlian is an ultra-geeky chinese dude that works for a technology PR agency. He loves fiddling with techno-toys, plays Warhammer 40K, and shoots pictures wherever he goes. Here, he rants about PR, Technology and anything else. Don't expect balance and un-biased, he ain't no journalist. Anything said on this blog are solely davidlian's personal views. Don't confuse them with company mantra, client's views or views of any organisation he may be part of.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rant: TM Net's customer service (actually TM also)

I've been sickly these past few days and yesterday I stayed at home mainly to sleep because I haven't been getting enough of dreamtime. But of course, you can't sleep the whole day and like it or not, about 11:30 a.m. my eye popped open and light flooded in.

Anyway, after taking care of "the-stuff-you-do-when-you-wake-up" and having lunch, I boot up my PC to go online for a bit.

Remember my last couple of posts - first complaining about a dead internet connection, then about James telling me it's been fixed, sort of? Well, I got to put it to test. And I can unequivocally say that the problem HAS NOT BEEN FIXED.

Sites took ages to load up - playing Utopia was a pain. Can't surf Amazon or eBay properly even. AND, the dodgy line kept dropping calls.

So, what's the problem? It's a dodgy line. When the lightning struck, it took out the phone connection that connects to my modem. So we swapped that connection with the other phone lines running in the house and it works in this crippled sort of way.

What's MY problem? We called TM Net AND TM to fix the problem and all the could do is keep telling us over the phone that on their side everything was working. We spelt it out to them that the phone line is probably fried or a port was fried, and they said "check your modem."

Come on, we just bought a new modem and a new router. I even went to the trouble of borrowing Kelvin's modem to try it out - it works in his house, not in mine.

We asked if a technician could come over and check our wiring - we don't mind paying for the technician - and they said "it's not our job." Pfeh! Then who does the wiring and connecting of phone lines to your house when you first move in? why are we paying the line rental charges for? I get it if it isn't a free service, but still, who can normal citizens turn to when faced with a problem like this?

Anyway, it's been one and a half weeks since the lightning struck and I don't reckon we'll be getting a stable internet connection soon. Our gameplan? Call TM and TM Net and harrass the customer service people till we get someone to come over and have a look at the rig.

I guess that's how customer service works with them - don't answer till you've been harassed X number of times.


Sasha Leong said...

ahhh... the TM Net frustration. it's WORST when i've got an assignment due the next day. and the connection just go all sucky! all the best to you on your connection!

davidlian said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. Still no luck yet. This sucks big time.

Kristen said...

YEAAA! I agree with you that their customer service sucks big time! TM Net is getting worse and worse.....

Linus Linnaeus said...

a tip for you...if it's not stooping low....

use your pr angle....and tell them you got alot of press friends to tell and also a personal blog...it's not a threat tell them...just the truth....

i had your same problem n was screaming bloody murder too...

i just told them over the phone a milion dollar campaign cannot fix bad comments spreading around friends like wildfire....
please...i dun want to do it...dun force me...oh btw...i have a recording of you...and if i should make a complain...I have proof that i made a fair request to have it fixed first...but to no avail...
they fixed mine....

Love the japanese tetris...

we should do lunch sometimes as friends....if you consider me a friend :)


davidlian said...

@kristen: Lol. Indeed, customer service does indeed suck. Still no help till today.

@Linus: Hey man, of course we're friends lah. When you're in midvalley, let's do lunch? On using my so called 'PR' powers...ummm... that's a bit too low even for me. But good suggestion. Furthest I'll go is to write them a nice long letter. Right now, I'm perfectly fine with letting it fester a bit more...